Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I follow quite a few photoblogs, but this is the only one that I know of that’s definitely foreign, so here we go. I mentioned earlier that music was universal, but I believe that art, being a wider category than music, is the same way as well. While the settings are unfamiliar to me, I think the photos can still evoke the same emotions in both a Japanese person and someone, say me, from another country browsing the photos on the Internet. These pictures in particular are generally really calming to me, but I especially love the one I posted above. I think some of the best photographs are ones that suggest there’s a deeper meaning below the simple beauty of the photo. The girl is obviously the main character of the picture, but she is also dwarfed by the sheer size of the buildings around her, as well as the number of people walking on the sidewalks. But why is she standing in the middle of the street? What is she looking at?

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